17th October 2019 was PEWANGI’s first introduction of “Combating Climate Change through Green Sustainable Business Opportunities” project and meeting with teachers and school students from selected schools around Kuala Terengganu.
This event was also attended by SEJIWA, which is an NGO that represents the community of Kuala Terengganu.
Making Compost from Food Waste Using Biocatalyst
Green Ambassadors demonstrated the process of making the compost from food waste using the biocatalyst provided by Smart Heritage.
At the end of the day, each school was given 8 bin sets of compost by PEWANGI, Smart Heritage and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).

Food Waste Compost Program With The Community
PEWANGI completed the third phase of the project with the community from KRT around Kuala Terengganu on October 31, 2019.

Estimated 100 participants attended including 10 cute students from kindergarten. The program was honoured with the presence of Timbalan Pengarah Perpaduan, Tuan Haji Kamarudin bin Ali.
Each KRT was given 1 set of compost bin presented by Tuan Haji Kamarudin.
How to Produce Food Waste Compost
This is one of the many encouraging outcome from the project – a great presentation by SMK Kompleks Mengabang Telipot (KOMETs) students on how to produce food waste compost 👍🏻
It’s nice to see such passion and determination from young generation in preserving our nature.
There are also many activities related to producing food waste compost being carried out by Green Ambassadors from KTP Lorong Haji Da, Green Ambassadors from KTP Kg Baru Gong Datok, students from SMK Manir, KRT Kg Chendering, Green Ambassadors from SK Ging Badak, KRT Padang Air, KRT Kg Raja Chendering, SK Tanjung Gelam etc.
It’s happy faces everywhere and thanks to everyone’s participation and dedication! 👍🏻
This article was compiled from the posting of PEWANGI in their official FB Page. For more information, check out the related Facebook page of: