Besides the domain name, our website is also our valuable asset in the digital world, provided we build it up correctly and make it as valuable as possible with the right content and business model.
Having a website is not much different from owning a piece of real estates in the brick and mortar world. Only in the digital world, it is border-less and comes with unlimited possibilities and opportunities, which is only limited by our imagination.
Remember that good old sayings,
Whatever the mind can perceived and believed, it can be achieved,
When there is a strong will, there will be ways.
Why should we have our own website instead of simply hosting our info or products on other media or other e-commerce platforms?
3 Good Reasons To Have Your Own Website As The Center of Universe
1) Ownership
Your domain name and your website solely belongs to you. You have full access and control over your data, which is VERY IMPORTANT.
Control your own data. It’s all yours. forever.
2) Expandability
If you run your own system on your own server space, be it cloud or hosted services, technically you can determine the features and customization over what can be done or enhanced.
You have the rights and can make the appropriate changes, as long as you have the right team to do it.
3) Lifespan
Having your own website is like having your own house. When you are not a tenant, you don’t have the risk of being terminated the tenancy and being forced to move out, whatever reasons it may be.
You take full control over the existence of your website as long as you control the domain, the system and the data.
I have a friend who hosted all his photography works in one of the largest photo sharing platform quite some time ago.
One day, out of sudden, he received an email from that photo sharing platform that they are going bust and he was given 3 months time to decide what to do with his photos that he uploaded to the site.
That was quite an expensive learning experience for him as he never thought of a photo sharing platform that big would shut down. It took him quite some time to download and re-organized all his photo works back then.
Website As The Center of Universe
While it is important to have our website as the center of universe, it doesn’t mean that we should ignore other platforms.
As the diagram illustrated below, we should drive the traffics from search engines and social media platforms into our center of universe, and make use of whatever we planned to bring up the value of our digital asset, in this case the domain name and the website. This, will bring us to another important topic of digital funnels.

Rather than relying on a single platform as the main entity, it is always a better idea to have a website as the center of universe of our own in the digital world.
Freedom of choices. And most importantly, we have the full control over what we invested.

Image by simplu27 from Pixabay
For further info, browse through the presentation file below:
Additional Info
The infographic below may add further value to your understanding on why website should be the center of universe: