Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Kampar has made an inaugurate theme for SDGs movement in their University Young Leader Conference 2019 on 17th November 2019. This yearly event by UTAR Kampar since 2017 had taken the initial steps to include Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their conference.

With the theme : SDGs: Leaving No One Behind, Gathering All for Sustainable Development , the university aims to:
- To cultivate a vibrant atmosphere for students and sharpen students’ thinking and viewpoints towards global issues.
- To acquire a good understanding of sustainable development goals from the point-of-view of young leaders, entrepreneurs, and employers.
- To develop leadership skills and other soft skills needed to fulfill the duty to accomplish the 17 SDGs.
- To promote students’ engagement through active learning and strengthen their social network abroad.
Keynote Address by Joyline Chai
The keynote was address by Ms. Joyline Chai, who was one of the speakers during the Malaysia SDG Summit 2019 in Parallel Session on Youth SDG Forum. She shared on the overall idea of SDG during the event, and has very much emphasise that Youth is the key group for the next 10 years in making Malaysia advancing in SDGs.

Joyline Chai is also the CSO-SDG Alliance members, a steering committee for the National SDGs movement.
In her speech at UTAR Kampar, Joyline gave an overall view of SDGs and How Impactful Life can be created through practicing SDGs.
Carrying the theme of “SDGs: Leaving No One Behind, Gather All for Sustainable Development”, the aim of the conference is to integrate the community projects which had been involving the non-profit organisation University and further evaluate the projects with the inclusion of SDGs to impact the community.
Quoted from Joyline’s post:
There are 3 important message with 3 elements brought out to the participants from 4 different universities about SDGs
To end poverty, inequality, injustice | To fight Climate Change| Leaving No One Behind
University | Integration | Transformation
Social | Envrionemental | Economic
Youth is the beneficiaries and critical changers to the world, they are the future, the generation who will make the world into a better place. #Youth4SDGs
Dialogue Session
The Dialogue Session which was moderated by Mr Yoon Seck Hoe has included insights from the business world in Sustainable Development. The Panelists include
- Ms Ceylyn Teh – Director of Team Some Group Companies
- Datin Caroline Wong – Celebrity Women Empowerment Icon
- Mr Jacky Chew – Deputy Director of Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum

Ms Ceylyn Tay has also mentioned that SDGs is there in the business world. However, many businesses and entrepreneurs are not made well aware of it on how SDGs able to proceed further in creating job opportunities and enhance in GDP contribution.
The plenary session by Dr Yamuna a/p Munusamy and Dr Annaletchumy a/p Loganathan has stated the movement in UTAR Kampar on Sustainable Development throughout the years.
Young Leaders in Action for SDGs :Student Project Competition 2019

The event included the Young Leaders in Action for SDGs on pitching their projects competition. The students presented their projects in different categories and 3 winners were selected.

The conference ended with the SDG 2030 Card Game by Ms Chiu Li Yen. Ms Chiu stresses that the importance of youth understanding in SDG can be also obtained through the SDG 2030 Card Game which provides an overview of the world movement through the indicators.

It was a successful event.
Leaving no one behind.
Official news by UTAR:
Engaging youths to contribute towards sustainable development