The solution to catch more business during this crisis is marketing and more marketing.
You also need a community to market to. If you do not have one build one or rent one.
Connections matter. Strong ties with family, friends and the community provide us with happiness, security, support and a sense of purpose.
If you invest S$1,000 into marketing and you get only S$500 business revenue, you are still correct.
There are only 3 ways in the world to increase your business. Only three.
Good things are not cheap and cheap things are not necessary good.
Free thing free gifts are for giants with a clear model for profit. You and I should have the habit of paying forward.
No point keep promoting your services and products.
The reason people buy or do business with you is you.
Build your brand that people can trust. Branding is not a one time or two time effort.
It is a daily, weekly, monthly and take years of continuous effort.
To be successful on the long term, you need a great business model.
To continue making great money you need more than 3 unique business models.
Because of Covid-19 we cannot meet new prospects, so we try on-line video meets.
This is harder to convert but this is the only choice at this social distancing times.
You do not own your brand. Your customers do.
If you have been invited to a community you benefited, introduce good people to the group to show your appreciation.
Most people have only the take attitude without giving. If you keep wanting more and more, people will know.
If you want to share business collaboration models, show how it will benefits all most and you least.
Article from David Wee (Unreasonable Optimist) shared in David Wee Malaysia 3 WhatsApp group on 2nd May, 2020.

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