Taylor’s InnoFest is an innovation festival during the last week of semester showcasing projects undertaken by undergraduate students in the university throughout the semester.

This event aspires to promote the spirit and culture of creativity and innovation throughout the university showcasing students works that provoke discussion, stimulate ideas and collaboration.

Taylor’s InnoFest November 2019 featured project exhibitions by students from 7 schools, a conference and a workshop.
Projects with potential for spin-off are also identified during the festival and these project teams be coached and given an opportunity to pitch to investors.

Worth noting is that this year’s Innofest included the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the agendas.

Schools exhibiting undergraduate student projects in this event are the
- School of Engineering,
- Taylor’s Business School,
- School of Computing & IT,
- Taylor’s Design School,
- School of Bioscience,
- School of Food & Gastronomy, and
- School of Media & Communication.
What will you do if you have the world in your hand?
Event Photos

Check out more video clips of various answers by people when asked on above question here at : https://web.facebook.com/Taylors-InnoFest-107761360626624/
For more information about Taylor’s Innofest, check out https://www.taylorsinnofest.my/