Another inspiring Malaysian’s success story – how ‘Sugu Pavithra‘ and her family made it through with their Malay Language based cooking videos over Youtube Channel.

What we all can learn from Sugu Pavithra?
🐟 You don’t need to pay high fees to take a lesson on how to do a YouTube video. Just use your phone is enough.
🐟 Don’t have to be perfect. Just be yourself.
🐟 Be consistent.
🐟 Very straightforward, no drama.
🐟 Watching them is very comforting
🐟 They’re very humble. Many people who watch them feel their positive vibes.
🐟 You don’t really need a very high-tech or professional equipment to achieve certain results.

As what had been discussed in 3 Important Mindsets to Achieve Great Performance : make things happen, get things done, and only results matter.
A sample video from Sugu Pavithra:
Sugu Pavithra: How To Cook A MUST TRY Curry Crab