The reason why a person is still in their same position either in life or business after quite a long time, is due to their OUTDATED thought process.
They crave for success but they keep on doing the same thing but expecting different results.

Some can’t even identify gaps they are facing in life and simply put an excuse in mind: “I’ve done my best”.

Well with the new future and new circumstances your best is not good enough and you need to change.
Resisting to change by having denial in your mind is another stack of reason why you won’t get the result you want.
Blaming is another weapon this quality of people will use as their primary weapon of self destruction.
The first remedy to all this catastrophic will be:
Identify your PURPOSE of life.
List it out on a piece of paper, doing this will enhance yourself to master the skill I coined as THE POWER OF WHY?
Check out further on the 3 Entrepreneur Mindsets That Sets You Apart

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay