The Ministry of Economic Affairs Malaysia, collaborating with the United Nations Country Team in Malaysia, organised the inaugural SDG Summit for Malaysia with the theme of “Accelerating Progress on the SDGs: Whole of Nation Approach” at KLCC from 6th to 7th Nov 2019.

The 2030 Agenda is the most transformative and ambitious plan ever crafted by the global community with 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 indicators – that balance the economic, social and environmental pillars of development.
These global goals and targets are universal in nature – they apply to all countries, developed and developing and they are interconnected.
The key measure of their achievement will be in having no one left behind and a planet that is future proof for generations to come.

The Twelfth Malaysia Plan (2021-2025) will be the first phase to operate the Share Prosperity Vision. The Twelfth Plan will not only be aligned to the new Vision, it will also be aligned to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and fully mapped to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Three development dimensions will be given equal focus in the Twelfth Plan:
- economic empowerment,
- environment sustainability, and
- social re-engineering.

The two-day Summit have seen more than 1,000 participants from Government, UN, Civil Society, Academia, youth and the private sector.

Key Objectives of Malaysia SDG Summit 2019
- To review SDG progress in the country and share best practices, including with ASEAN member states
- To showcase commitments, pledges and/or contributions by Government, private sector and civil society towards attainment of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs
- To provide a multi-stakeholder platform to identify strategies to accelerate efforts towards addressing key bottleneck issues that could be incorporated in Malaysia’s development planning and budgeting
- To set in motion a whole of nation approach involving all parts of Government – ministries, agencies at federal, state and district levels; private sector and civil society
- To deepen horizontal and vertical policy coherence vis-à-vis the 2030 Agenda and SDGs

Wide multi-stakeholder participation in this Summit is expected to yield the following outcomes:
- A sense of public ownership and greater awareness on how the different parts of government, business, civil society and youth can contribute towards SDG attainment.
- Better understanding of the SDG-related issues that need to be overcome.
- Development of ideas and strategies to move the 2030 Agenda forward.
- Energizing of partnerships and a whole of nation approach for the SDGs.

Accelerating Progress on the SDGs: Whole of Nation Approach

In his keynote speech, the Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Tun Dr Mahathir said:
Digital technology will play a critical role in the achievement of the SDGs, although innovation will most likely affect progress in both positive and negative ways. The deployment of new technologies is seen to be essential in achieving the SDGs, considering the need for accelerated progress to fulfil the goals by 2030.
At the same time, as new technologies are usually unavailable to marginalised populations, it will be a key challenge to ensure that no one is left behind, as new innovations often exacerbate existing divides in society between those who can benefit, and those who are left behind.
In addition, with the current speed of innovation, many opportunities and risks are still unknown but could rapidly crystallise, without regulators being able to respond in a timely manner. A mindful approach towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution is necessary.
Note: Check out the full keynote address here at A good head start for the people to further understand SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. Should you missed the event, you can check out the FB Live video of the opening session recorded by Bernama. Datuk Noripah Kamso, the Chairman of Bank Rakyat gave a very impactful keynot address at Malaysia SDG Summit 2019. It was splitted into 3 narratives: Link to embedded video and notes: It is our diversity that makes us unique. Thanks to the organizers, sponsors and all the people who make this happen.
Parallel Session 2 : Business Leaders SDG Forum