I wrote the short message about business in the information age because I want to trigger an awareness to all business owners (big or small) how to ensure they all can survive due to pandemic circumstances.
I am sad to say most business owners are still doing traditional businesses and they are stuck – cannot move on to transform their businesses in the information age.
The problem arise because they are still stuck in their mind.
They can’t shift or unwilling to make their business relevant to the information age.
Our economy is at recession, inflation rate getting higher so does the unemployment rate.
So when these traditional mindset business owners facing the storm together with us in this pandemic situation, I personally think a lot of them will be closing down their businesses post-Covid-19.
That is why I set that 6 questions for them to ask themselves:
- Is your business still on-going during Movement Control Order (MCO)?
- Can your business last for another five months if the MCO is extended?
- Are you generating revenue during MCO?
- Are you communicating with your team or client via Video Conferencing (VC) tool during MCO?
- Do you get client request of Virtual Conference (VC) meetings during MCO?
- Do you receive online payment from your clients during MCO?
If majority answer is “no” then Covid-19 will crush not just life but businesses too.
The ugly truth I tell myself for the answers of that 6 questions.
For the solution, I am building a platform to teach them how to enable their business online (relevant to the information age) in less than 48 hours. Stay tune and pray I can complete this platform soon.
I am running a questionnaire on this soon hope I can release next week, so we can gauge the status of existing business owners/entrepreneurs at what stage now.
- Will they survive until post-Covid 19?
- What can they do now until then rather than just waiting and complaining the government to give them money.?
So the word sustainable is important here.
How do we sustain in this economic condition? To me,
Logically speaking how can you grow when you can’t even sustain?
So I guess I am rewriting the Business 101.