ExperienSE is aimed to raise the profile of local social entrepreneurship practices among the public, providing them with a platform to showcase their products and services, and at the same time allow the general public to be immersed in conscious consumerism.
The 2-day public event is held in conjunction with the Global Entrepreneurship Week, jointly organised by British Council, Chamber of Social Entrepreneur Development Malaysia (CSED), Biji-biji Initiative and Me.reka.

The event was held for the public to learn and explore the landscape of social entrepreneurship in Malaysia.
From exploring arts, culture, sustainable living, photography, to learning how to articulate your vision, there is something for everyone here at ExperienSE.

Secretary General of Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi visiting #experienSE2019 #socialenterprise booths.

PurchaSE Marketplace
Visitors can do their part in ethical purchasing through PurchaSE.
Red Zone, Publika Shopping Gallery!
23 & 24 November
10am to 10pm

ConverSE: Community Empowerment Models for Social Change with they key people behind
Get up close and personal with the local players through ConverSE.

ImmerSE Hands-on Workshops
Learn new skills from the hands-on workshops through ImmerSE. Explore Malaysia’s vibrant social entrepreneurship landscape through a range of engaging, fun, and informative workshops conducted by our very own local game-changers.

The Social Enterprise Accreditation (SE.A)
The Social Enterprise Accreditation (SE.A) is a national certification by the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development (MED) recognising legitimate social enterprises.
The accreditation aims to set clarity in the definition of a social enterprise and to certify the status of social enterprises in Malaysia to help them access greater support and opportunities to grow.

Social Enterprise Accreditation Clinic by Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC)
Sun, 24 Nov – 12pm to 12.30pm @ Red Zone, Publika Shopping Gallery
This accreditation clinic intends to explain the steps and criteria to full accreditation as SE.A, its benefits and MaGIC’s works in supporting social entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. This session is suitable for current or budding social entrepreneurs, any graduate, professional or member of the public who wish to know more about social entrepreneurship in Malaysia.
For more info about the workshops, check out ExperienSE: ImmerSE Workshop by Me.reka
Effinity Social Enterprise
Efinity Social Enterprise displayed and demonstrated their award winning innovation at the ExperienSE event. The innovation enable the rural communities and victims of disasters to have clean filtered drinking water without the need of water pressure from the tap, electricity or installation of high gravity tanks.

EXPERIENSE Social Entrepreneurship
For more information and photos, check out ExperienSE Social Entrepreneurship Facebook Event Page

Images from: https://www.facebook.com/events/551631948743831/permalink/568584207048605/