There has never been problem with the resources, the problems lie within distribution.
SDGs are one of global goals initiatives for the common good, in three key areas of social, economic, and environmental development.
SDG Dashboards (with Scorecards capabilities) are part of progress monitoring tools to know where are the gaps, so we can come out with appropriate programs or solutions to close the gaps.
Note: The Malaysian government, under Department of Statistics Malaysia had launched the SDG Dashboard as part of SDG Progress Monitoring System.
There will be more progressive development in the solutions to tackle these global issues that had been identified and quantified.
Conditional Cash (/Crypto) Transfer Mechanism will be one of the thing to look forward to.

United Nations and Blockchain
United Nations (New York City, New York), the 75-year-old organization connecting 193 countries has numerous blockchain initiatives.
“For the United Nations to deliver better on our mandate in the digital age, we need to embrace technologies like blockchain that can help accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.”
UN secretary-general António Guterres
To combat warlords who steal aid using pilfered ID cards, the UN has over the past two years disbursed funds to 106,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan, using blockchain-verified iris scans instead of ID cards.

Further reading: United Nations Must Embrace Blockchain: UN Secretary-General, reported by Adrian Zmudzinski on CoinTelegraph.