Women Association in Business and Creative Thinking Malaysia (PEWANGI – Pertubuhan Wanita Dalam Perniagaan & Pemikiran Kreatif Malaysia) announced its success in securing the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) in September 18, 2019.
The CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, high-impact projects in developing countries, which align with Global Affairs Canada’s thematic priority areas for engagement.
Combating Climate Change though the Promotion and Creation of Green Sustainable Business Opportunities
PEWANGI partners with Heritage Environment and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) for this six (6) months program that is to be carried out in Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.
Combating climate change though the promotion and creation of green sustainable business opportunities for Terengganu schools and local community, focusing on organic composting and production of agriculture produces through training and awareness programs.
The program aims to meet several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is hopeful for the eventual scaled-up program throughout the country.

(Photo) From left: Miss Raidah, Sir Jeremy Bryan, Dr Hjh Rokiah, Mdm Esther Van Nes, Datin Nik Faridah, Prof. Dr. Fadzilah, Mrs Norlinna and Miss Izzati.
In September 24, 2019, PEWANGI’s CFLI project was officially mobilized with the H.E. Julia G.Bentley presence at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) for a meet-and-greet session with the project’s stakeholders.
The following day, all project proponents gathered for its first project planning meeting that encompass several agenda:
(i) site visits,
(ii) interviewing UMT candidates to become Green Ambassadors for school program,
(iii) technical meeting, and
(iv) exit strategy – future research collaborations.

Trained of Trainers Program
Activity #1, Train the Trainers (TOT) for Green Ambassadors was carried out on October 4th, 2019.
Dr Rokiah introduced the project “Combating Climate Change and Building The Capacity Of Malaysia Youth in Terengganu” with PEWANGI’s future Green Ambassadors at UMT.
PEWANGI and researchers from UMT attended to give moral support.
On the second session, Dr Rokiah showed a demo on how to create a compost by using food waste and Smart Heritage Biocatalyst.

During day 2 of Trained of Trainers Program with UMT students, each group were required to create a role play with a given situation. This is to help the future ambassadors to be prepared before venturing into real life situation.
By the end of the program, PEWANGI had selected 10 Green Ambassadors after assessed by the professionals. ❤️
This article was compiled from the posting of PEWANGI in their official FB Page. For more information, check out the related Facebook page of: