Every dollar that is printed should not represent a debt to private bankers. It should represent an investment potential in the common good, in the common needs of our country. ~ Cynthia McKinney, an American politician and activist, the first black woman elected to represent Georgia in the House.

A very impactful keynote by the Chairman of Bank Rakyat, Datuk Noripah as she splitted her thoughts into 3 narratives
- The ailments are contangious,
- The abuse of capitalism by business leaders, and
- Bank Rakyat towards a sustainable finance’s vision.
The keynote was delivered during the Business Leaders SDG Forum on day 1 of Malaysia SDG Summit 2019.
The forum convene private sector decision makers to share, be inspired and ideate concrete actions to drive and champion SDGs within their organizations through internal SDG alignment, SDG compliant investment, channeling corporate social responsibility towards SDG priorities and, developing innovative solutions & technologies for SDGs.
YBhg Datuk Noripah Kamso Keynote Address At Malaysia SDG Summit 2019
Climate risk is as real as the sun rising from the east. Income inequality is also as true as the Earth rotating on its axis.
Extreme affluent vs extreme scarcity in today’s world tell us that existing system of progress and growth is out of wade.
As businesses, have we ask ourselves some of these questions:
- Is it ethical to have a business that causes obesity and diabetes to young children and then build the running track for kid as a CSR initiative to promote?
- Is it morally acceptable that we push for healthcare reforms while employing more contract staff on our payroll so that we don’t have to give them the healthcare benefit?
- Is it fine to promote more women participation and empowerment at work and on boards yet we do not provide daycare centers, maternity allowances and leave to them in managing their family?
- Is it fine to provide listing of companies that contribute to destruction of our climate, health and well being whilst at the same time encouraging our employees to participate in a weekday of gardening to promote green economy?
- Is it acceptable that we gave home buyers mortgage credit line in amount much higher than the underlying property purchasing value essentially gaining the extra cash back from their borrowing activities hence landing them in debt they may not be able to service?
Are we not fighting both sides of the war when we do this? Are we circum being to our own versions of truth yet the product of these truth has brought to our doorsteps a world flooded with human tragedies and planet destruction?