The ASEAN Sustainable Development Summit 2019 (ASD2019) is an evolution of the ASEAN Ministers Workshop inaugurated in 2017 with the participation of ministers and senior public officials from almost all ASEAN countries. The 2019 series is jointly organised by the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development (JSC) and the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI).

The Summit provides a platform and practical framework for ASEAN policymakers, industry practitioners and experts to address shared challenges to sustainable development.

This one-day event covers a series of ministerial and thematic panels to discuss imperatives and feasible and effective implementation strategies and solutions for ASEAN.

The focus of ASD 2019 is on the pertinent themes of:
- urbanisation,
- health,
- education,
- inequality and inclusive growth,
- technological transformations,
- climate change, and
- responsible corporate action.

These themes are interlinked with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are pressing concerns that must be collectively resolved to ensure a truly sustainable ASEAN region moving forward – economically, socially and environmentally.

YB Hajah Zuraida Binti Kamaruddin (Minister of Housing and Local Government), a speaker for the Plenary 1 – CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES FACING ASEAN’S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, highlighted the Key Challenges Facing ASEAN’s in Sustainable Urbanisation including Urbanisation in ASEAN presents ample opportunities for economic prosperity and social advancement, if well managed. Many of the fastest- growing cities in Southeast Asia are expected to drive almost 40 per cent of GDP growth through 2030. ~ As reported by Urbanice Malaysia’s facebook updates.

Thank you, our lovely friends for most of the photos here.


For event related info, check out: https://www.asli.com.my/event/108/ASEAN-Sustainable-Development-Summit-2019/