Taking action is very important!
Going to so many events without any execution is a total waste of time.
Just Do It!
Thinking too much is not gonna help unless you start your first step.
Learn from those who walk the talk.
Yes, it’s good to do networking, but if you really want to start your e-commerce, network with those who are already in line. If you mix with those who are also trying to learn new things, you’ll be expanding more time in trying to search the right thing.
Education is the best tool we can use to change the world, at least start from ourselves.
The mindset is very important. If you want to take action but refused to spend a single cents on educating yourself, then forget about it.
Some people are not only stingy but also greedy. Want it all attitude is a no.
When I first started e-commerce a long time ago back in 2004/2005, I didn’t even have money to eat. What I did was, I sold my gold necklace. The first gold necklace. It was the hardest part of my life because my stepmother gave it to me.
But because I didn’t stop myself from achieving my dreams, I went to gadai the gold necklace, got the money, went to the pearls jewellery store to take photos and used the money to go online in the cybercafe to upload the photos and got my first sale within the first week to a customer in Jordan and Egypt. That’s when I knew I’ll make it big!

How to take action?
🦖 First thing first. Ask yourself what you’re passionate about.
Do something that you’re passionate about. Cats, dogs, pigs, cars, relationship items, affiliates etc.
You need to understand yourself, your ability. Understand yourself then others can understand you.
You must start to believe that Digital is the future. If you don’t, then you’ll be left out.
To execute:
🦖 Think of brand – don’t take too long to think of a complicated ones. The simple the better.
🦖 Buy a domain name of your brand
🦖 Set a website. Just put it up regardless you connect your domain or not.
🦖 Just upload any product(s). Just to start. It can be changed later on.
🦖 Set up a social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.
🦖 Focus on marketing. Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.
🦖 If after 3 months you’ve plan to do something about it and still not doing anything, then hire a mentor with a fee. You can have an expensive car but refused to pay for a mentor or coach fees, then don’t expect to get a result. Stop complaining of the difficulties. Stop being kiasu*.
* kiasu – (of a person) having a grasping or selfish attitude arising from a fear of missing out on something.
Don’t expect a RM50K per month when you can’t spend anything to learn.

Don’t expect a result you didn’t work for.
The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.
William Gibson , The Economist, December 4, 2003
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[…] Keep in mind that entrepreneurship is a process, and action speaks louder than words. […]