As part of our book content stated, the actualization of future cities will pretty much need an “AI driven, Blockchain based Cognitive resources management system, powered by Data, Ethically.” #ABCDEtheWorld, as we progress towards the future, which is the foundation and blueprint of our movement.
Notes below (words in italic) are excerpt from article by Jonathan Reichental, published on CoinTelegraph dated 19th March 2020.
Talking Digital Future: Quantum Computing and Cryptography
We will either realize that we can only get computers to a certain speed, or we will train more computers together for a higher performance. Or we wonder, well, what’s going to take us from this peak that we’ve reached with computing power to the next generation so that we can solve the biggest problems of the 21st century? And it turns out — we have a few options. One of them is to develop a completely new computing platform based on quantum mechanics.
Once we break through to quantum computing, there will be no limits.
With any kind of technology comes someone who uses it with malicious intent. So there are also going to be consequences.
Social Impact
The social impact of quantum computing is a big question, because we have to break it down bit by bit. Although, one aspect is that with better computing power, we can perform better, have better services, and solve problems that were once hard to solve, like making better predictions on health outcomes.
For instance, in the case of recent Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, if we have enough quality data from multiple sources, we can better predict the trend and come out with appropriate solutions against time.

It is important to make that leap from data to decisions.
Case Study: South Korea and Corona Virus
Quoted from the article “South Korea winning the fight against coronavirus using big-data and AI” published by The Daily Star on 15th March, 2020:
Utilising big-data analysis, AI-powered advance warning systems, and intensive observation methodology, South Korea has already managed to bring the coronavirus situation in the country under control in a short time.
The government-run big-data platform stores information of all citizens and resident foreign nationals and integrates all government organisations, hospitals, financial services, mobile operators, and other services into it.
South Korea is using the analysis, information and references provided by this integrated data — all different real-time responses and information produced by the platform are promptly conveyed to people with different AI-based applications.
Use Case Scenario: South Korea & Covid-19
Whenever someone is tested positive for COVID-19, all the people in the vicinity are provided with the infected person’s travel details, activities, and commute maps for the previous two weeks through mobile notifications sent as a push system.
Government-run health services receive information on the person’s contacts, making it easier to track those whom s/he had met during that time, and bring them under observation and medical tests. AI ensures prompt execution of all these steps. Hospitals, ambulance services, mobile test labs — all rely on IT sector and technology to deliver prompt and efficient services.
MN Islam, The Daily Star, March 15, 2020
Perhaps in 30 years from now, we’ll look back and say, “wow, we trusted the doctors.” When artificial intelligence is supported by inconceivably fast processing speeds that can go through many permutations, we can hopefully get treatment plans that are much more accurate than they are today.
Quantum VS Blockchain
Cryptography works because it’s hard to break the encrypted scheme. It’s hard to unencrypt it because the amount of computations it would take makes the effort not feasible.
If the very core of what makes blockchain work is suddenly not as locked down as firmly as we thought, we should be concerned.
If blockchain can be broken by quantum, all cryptography can be broken.
One of the promising aspects here is that quantum actually makes excellent cryptography. There’s a thing called quantum cryptography, and it’s very different from our understanding of how classical cryptography works.
It’s fascinating that the very thing that breaks cryptography also fixes it.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay