Effective learning is when you can relate the knowledge you accumulate to solve real problem and create real value out of it.
Knowledge is potential power. Applied knowledge is real power.
A lot of inexperience presenter will make this common mistake: Stating The Obvious.
How it’s created?
The presenter will read everything displayed on the slides as if the audiences are blind or cant read. This really a sign of insulting the audience’s intelligent.
Why it happened?
The presenter lack in his preparation, unable to articulate the story line and important ideas contain in the presentation. Lack of practice.
How to solve this?
- Be prepared,
- analyse all the slides, and
- think if it makes sense to show.
Plan what you want to showcase and always get feedback. Make sure to anticipate the potential questions to be asked by audience.
Watch superb presenter like Steve Jobs and learn how they pitch their ideas.
Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay