Time freedom, financial freedom, and geographical freedom (work anywhere, anytime) is what a proper digital transformation can do to individuals, small businesses or even business owners. The key question to ask is:
Will what we do today bring us to where we want to be tomorrow?

1) Make Things Happen
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. As the sayings go: Walk the talk, put your money where your mouth is.
Show by your actions and not just your words that you support or believe in something. Action speaks louder than words.
Start something somewhere somehow.
2) FOCUS and Get Things Done

Stay focus on things that really matters.
We can only do so much thing at a single point of time.
While all roads lead to Rome, keep in mind that Rome was not built in a day. Entrepreneurship is a process and success is a journey, not a destination.
Success is a day to day progressive actualization towards our own goals. Every achievement counts

If you would like to know how to start, the 6 steps towards building a successful digital business could be a good reference.
3) Only Results Matter
Last but not least,
Do not confused efforts with results.
The rich are paid based on performance not by hours.
You will always know how much money you have in the banks, but you won’t know how much time you left. Just do it.

Special thanks to Halal Tourism Exchange in making this image.