Business in the Information Age

Hi everything! Covid-19 divided people into two clusters.

I am talking about the paradigm shift in business perspective.

The two clusters are

1) Businesses that are still stuck in the INDUSTRIAL AGE,

2) Businesses that moved on to stay relevant in the INFORMATION AGE.

Why most business owner struggle during this pandemic era? Because they are still trapped in the INDUSTRIAL AGE.

You need to move on because you still have that crisis within your head, you must be relevant to the INFORMATION AGE era, else you will be crushed!

Your business must adapt to the technology that make you stay relevant.

How do you know if you are still stuck in the INDUSTRIAL AGE?

Ask yourselves the following questions:

  1. Is your business still on-going during Movement Control Order (MCO)?
  2. Can your business last for another five months if the MCO is extended?
  3. Are you generating revenue during MCO?
  4. Are you communicating with your team or client via Video Conferencing (VC) tool during MCO?
  5. Do you get client request of Virtual Conference (VC) meetings during MCO?
  6. Do you receive online payment from your clients during MCO?

If none of this you answered YES then it is bad and you need a quick fix, else you and your business will be crushed by the Corona-19 pandemic.

You can still fix this!